Industry News

ECSSA Business CLimate Index - April 2024

In April 2024, the ECSSA State of the Industry Barometer remains at the same level as the previous quarter. The index value of 89.5 signifies a marginal decrease of 0.4 index points from the previous assessment period, suggesting a steady start into 2024 for the sector.

Notably, Spain, Germany, and Italy saw declines, although Italy retains its position with the highest index value. Spain, on the other hand, experienced a notable decrease, recording the lowest value. In contrast, Belgium, France, and
Luxembourg exhibited improved performance compared to their preceding quarters, even though with a rather modest upswing in the index.

Results of the ECSSA Barometer April 2024
ECSSA-Barometer_2024_April short.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 159.5 KB

ECSSA State of the Search & Selection Industry Barometer

The level of business activity of the recruitment consultancy industry requires a finely-tuned steering given the frequency and reactivity with which it is evolving. That is why the index supplied by the barometer of the European Executive Recruitment market, created by ECSSA in 2010, offers a tool that makes it possible to anticipate the industry’s short-term and mid-term developments.


This quarterly index is the result of a mathematical calculation based on the German Ifo Index integrating two quality factors:

  • the perception of the current situation as experienced by Recruiters
  • their estimation of the short-term trends.


It makes it possible to draw lessons at two levels:

  • the evolution of the situation of each respondent country over time,
  • the difference in the evolution of each ECSSA member country.

Note: The index values since October 2023 are standardised to the average for 2019. An index value of 100 means that the current business climate index, i.e. the mood in consulting, is at exactly the same level as in 2019.


For questions and comments regarding the European business climate index please contact the Secretary General of ECSSA, Jörg Murmann (


ECSSA Business Climate Index - October 2023

In October 2023, the ECSSA Barometer stands at a value of 89.9

Results of the ECSSA Barometer October 2023
ECSSA-Barometer October 2023 short.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 319.4 KB

ECSSA Business Climate Index - May 2023

In May 2023, the ECSSA Barometer stands at a value of 2.6

Results of the ECSSA Barometer May 2023
ECSSA-Barometer May 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 266.3 KB

ECSSA Business Climate Index - December 2021

In December 2021, the ECSSA Barometer stands at a value of 21.4

Results of the ECSSA Barometer December 2021
ECSSA-Barometer December 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.2 MB

ECSSA Business Climate Index - May 2020

In May 2020, the ECSSA Barometer stands at a value of -21.5

Results ot the ECSSA Barometer May 2020
ECSSA Barometer May 2020.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 445.7 KB

ECSSA business climate index - NOVEMBER 2022

In November 2022, the ECSSA Barometer stands at a value of 12.3

Results of the ECSSA Barometer November 2022
ECSSA Barometer November 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 729.9 KB

ECSSA Business Climate Index - May 2021

In May 2021, the ECSSA Barometer stands at a value of 3.9

Results of the ECSSA Barometer May 2021
ECSSA Barometer May 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.4 MB

ECSSA Business Climate Index - September 2019

In Sptember 2019, the ECSSA Barometer stands at a value of 2.7

Results of the ECSSA Barometer September 2019
ECSSA Barometer September 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 445.5 KB